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Bottlenose Dolphins Jumping Wallpaper

Bottlenose Dolphins Jumping Wallpaper

Bottlenose Dolphins Jumping Wallpaper pictures two breaching dolphins. Bottlenose dolphins are the most well known of these mammals. They usually travel in groups of two to fifteen depending on the depth of the water. The group number increases in deeper waters, and the accessibility of the habitat. Bottlenoses are quite sociable. They can jump (breach) as high as sixteen feet from the water’s surface. They may land on their backs, bellies or sides. Dolphins often ride ocean swells or the wakes of large whales or the stern wakes of boats.

Free Bottlenose Dolphins Jumping Wallpaper to personalize your Desktop, Laptop, Mobile Phone, Galaxy S5, LG G3, & iPhone Backgrounds. Our most popular HD Resolutions include 1024 x 768, and 2048 x 1536.Download Bottlenose Dolphins Jumping Wallpaper from the available HD resolutions. If you can not find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for the Original or the higher resolution. Enjoy and check back as new images are loaded every day!

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